What's the Hook?

I’ve been fairly quiet on the blog front the last couple of weeks. In some ways I have been lacking inspiration and I was also thinking to myself “what’s the point?”. Not in a full of ennui “What’s the meaning of it all” kind of way but more in a why are people going to…

Stir Friday! (sorry)

Those of you who watch Archer will crack up at that title , for the rest of the universe my humble apologies. Anyway puns aside, this is a non stir fry stir fry, that is to say made in a slow cooker.

Chorizo Cheddar Cornbread

Blame my Pioneer Woman obsession or that iPad subscription to Southern Living I treated myself to but I have a major weakness for cornbread. I mean I’m also convinced that I need a house with a porch but the cornbread, at least I can manage!

Eating Ophelia

So like the rest of the country I had an unexpected day off on Monday, thankfully being in Dublin meant that we were spared any destruction. The advice said to stay indoors so stay indoors I did, though I am incapable of doing so without much kitchen pottering. I got ahead for the week by…

Breakfast (again)!

Life has been hectic these last few weeks, leaving me with not much time for blogging. We found a new place to live in Drumcondra. While I’m  pretty sure I’m going to get fat with all the nice places to eat around there, I’m really excited. Not least because my new kitchen will have an…

Weekly shop and a tasty salad

Sunday is shopping day in our household which means getting our butts on bikes and heading to Aldi to load up the panniers while all the fresh stuff is still there. I did my meal planning based on The Super 6 as always and it was particularly good this week.

A Simple Indian Inspired Side

As promised, here is the recipes for Indian Style Roast Potatoes. First though let’s talk about spices. For one with a tiny kitchen I probably have way too many spices. I am basically a spice magpie and love buying something new to me and experimenting.

Happy fried chicken day y'all!!!

So apparently National Fried Chicken day is celebrated annually on July 6th, I found this out this evening when Martha Stewart told me so on Facebook. Fortuitous then, that I made Chipotle Buttermilk Chicken for dinner today!

Rainy Day Treats!

Some might say I have a baking addiction, some might say I have a baked goods addiction. Either way I have just got lashed on cycling home from work and feel I need to treat myself with a bake. That being said I have a wedding to attend in 4 weeks, and yes I have…

Never Buy a Small Chicken!!!

You may have guessed from all the exclamation points there that I feel pretty strongly about chicken. I think it’s really easy, especially when cooking for 2 to get caught in a chicken fillet trap. Don’t do this! You are denying yourself the deliciousness of a whole chicken.