High Protein Skyr Pancakes

If you’ve been living under a rock Skyr is that new(ish) super high protein basically fat free yogurt that all the kids are talking about. Now while I’m not above having some yogurt with some fruit and granola I’m really more of a feast for breakfast kinda girl. I’m not even going to lie –…

Recharging after a hectic week

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks, which is why I have been so quiet on the blog front. We were in Poland for our friend’s wedding last weekend, NOSTROVIA!!!!! Seriously I don’t want to drink anymore vodka – well like until that bottle I bought in the airport looks tempting (probably at least a…

Sunday Morning Waffles

It’s my last day of a very pleasant week off work and I feel it’s only right to be somewhat decadent and when I feel like spoiling myself I reach for the waffle iron! I don’t know why but it always feels somewhat celebratory, maybe because it was a birthday present from my chap, one…