Doing Double Duty 1: 1 Butternut squash; 2 ways

Butternut squash was on special in both of our friendly local german supermarkets this week. All I ever really do with a butternut squash is make curried squash soup so I decided to experiment a little and get ahead of the curve by roasting it and splitting it into 2 dishes; butternut squash hummus for today…

Chorizo Cheddar Cornbread

Blame my Pioneer Woman obsession or that iPad subscription to Southern Living I treated myself to but I have a major weakness for cornbread. I mean I’m also convinced that I need a house with a porch but the cornbread, at least I can manage!

Coronation Chicken

Coronation chicken is one of those oft maligned retro dishes that I think is pretty amazing. Let’s call it a curried chicken salad if that will make you feel better about making it! If you read my roast chicken blog you will be aware that I have some tasty leftover roast chicken to work with…

Feeding Fathers

What’s better than buying your Da socks he’ll never wear or a book he’ll never read – making him something he loves! My Da is mad for a bowl of soup and apparently my curried butternut squash is top of his list. Well he is top of my list so I thought I’d make him…