Rainy Day Treats!

Some might say I have a baking addiction, some might say I have a baked goods addiction. Either way I have just got lashed on cycling home from work and feel I need to treat myself with a bake. That being said I have a wedding to attend in 4 weeks, and yes I have…

Coronation Chicken

Coronation chicken is one of those oft maligned retro dishes that I think is pretty amazing. Let’s call it a curried chicken salad if that will make you feel better about making it! If you read my roast chicken blog you will be aware that I have some tasty leftover roast chicken to work with…

Never Buy a Small Chicken!!!

You may have guessed from all the exclamation points there that I feel pretty strongly about chicken. I think it’s really easy, especially when cooking for 2 to get caught in a chicken fillet trap. Don’t do this! You are denying yourself the deliciousness of a whole chicken.

Fajitas, Barbecued or Griddled?

Fajitas are one of those crowd pleasers that are as easy to make for 2 or 8 people and these are pretty healthy. This recipe can easily be doubled, but I have gone for feeding 2 with leftovers as always. This might seem like a long recipe but I promise you can have it on…

Salad in a Jar

So ok, I know it’s a bit of a no brainer and the jar salad has taken the internet by storm but I haven’t had the healthiest 2 days so I thought salad for lunch would be a good idea!

Feeding Fathers

What’s better than buying your Da socks he’ll never wear or a book he’ll never read – making him something he loves! My Da is mad for a bowl of soup and apparently my curried butternut squash is top of his list. Well he is top of my list so I thought I’d make him…

Saturday Morning Meal Planning

It’s probably not the most exciting but on a Friday evening after a week of work I love just chilling out at home. Chilling out, to me, often entails breaking out some cookbooks and having a flip through them with a cuppa. This is where my little brain starts ticking over…

Lighter Chicken Parm

The warmer summer weather has finally arrived and with it a desire for lighter dinners. Now I’m not a salad for dinner kinda girl so for me that means taking a favourite and making it a bit lighter and more Summery. For the uninitiated chicken parmigiana is one of those Italian- American hybrids which basically…

Slow cooker Beef Massaman

It was a lazy Sunday kinda day today, the chap and I went for a walk, got rained on and then decided the best course of action was not to bother leaving the house again. I like to break out the slow cooker on days like this, when it’s hot, so you don’t want to have the oven on all day but you still want something satisfying. If you read my previous blog you’ll see that I had a beef massaman earmarked for Monday dining but hey ho I’m adaptable like that so out the slow cooker came.

The internal workings of a list fanatic

In this post I really wanted to discuss what prompted me to start this blog and what might be different about it. I live in an apartment with a tiny kitchen  – hence the name “the scullery made” and while it may not be quite a scullery it can certainly pose problems for a woman…