High Protein Skyr Pancakes

If you’ve been living under a rock Skyr is that new(ish) super high protein basically fat free yogurt that all the kids are talking about. Now while I’m not above having some yogurt with some fruit and granola I’m really more of a feast for breakfast kinda girl. I’m not even going to lie –…

Going Nuts (for shortbread)

Like most of the rest of Ireland at the moment I am going stir crazy, having being mostly confined to the house for the last 3 days. I did leave the house on Thursday to feed the canal pigeons, which made me smile as it was a magical snowy day!

Healthier Banana Bread

So I confess I have a banana problem, I spend my life waiting for my bananas to go just brown enough that I can justify calling them overripe and making banana bread out of them. My real problem lies in the fact that The Chap usually eats all of the bananas before they get to…

Doing Double Duty 1: 1 Butternut squash; 2 ways

Butternut squash was on special in both of our friendly local german supermarkets this week. All I ever really do with a butternut squash is make curried squash soup so I decided to experiment a little and get ahead of the curve by roasting it and splitting it into 2 dishes; butternut squash hummus for today…

Protein Pack Hacks pt 1: Turkey Meatballs

If there’s one constant in life it’s that there’s always a pack of turkey burgers in a protein pack. If there’s one other constant in life it’s that I’m a bit weird about burgers – I have to confess I’ve never eaten a fast food burger; they look weird and unappealing and lord only knows…

Protein Pack Hacks!!

As previously discussed everyone in my office was on a diet in January and therefore extolling the virtues of the Protein pack from the butchers. I was dubious to say the least as I’m not one for a premade burger or the likes. However as it’s February now I can officially stop being contrary and…

Chicken leftovers part 1: Chicken Fried Rice

As frequent visitors may have realised I am what they call frugal when it comes to my food shop. I have a pathological fear of throwing food out, that being said I also hate being mean with food. There is always a bountiful spread in my house, and as previously asserted will never buy a…

Staging a January Rebellion!!!

January in some ways is my least favourite month; not because of the weather, I happen to like the cold; not even the darkness as I’m always filled with the optimism of spring knowing that the days are getting longer. I have been known to coin the phrase “there’s a grand stretch in the evenings…

Sunday roast made exotic

I love a good Sunday roast as much as the next and I particularly love roast lamb. In my brain lamb is almost too decadent to buy when cooking just for 2, a leg will usually set you back €20 or more and in my opinion it doesn’t lend itself to having its leftovers transformed…

Pizza and Plotting!

The last few weeks have been quiet on the blog front what with all the Christmas happening and me being a crazy person with no time to take photos. Now though, a sense of normality has returned, or as normal as things get in my brain anyway. That is to say I am back obsessing…