Healthier Banana Bread

So I confess I have a banana problem, I spend my life waiting for my bananas to go just brown enough that I can justify calling them overripe and making banana bread out of them. My real problem lies in the fact that The Chap usually eats all of the bananas before they get to…

Staging a January Rebellion!!!

January in some ways is my least favourite month; not because of the weather, I happen to like the cold; not even the darkness as I’m always filled with the optimism of spring knowing that the days are getting longer. I have been known to coin the phrase “there’s a grand stretch in the evenings…

Feeding Fathers

What’s better than buying your Da socks he’ll never wear or a book he’ll never read – making him something he loves! My Da is mad for a bowl of soup and apparently my curried butternut squash is top of his list. Well he is top of my list so I thought I’d make him…